About Us

A Beautiful Office For All Your Wellness Needs


If you would like to make an appointment, please contact our office directly at (304) 725-9622 to schedule a future day and time. Office hours are by appointment with appointments available weekdays, some evenings, and most Saturday mornings. Emergency appointments are also accepted.


Our practice accepts cash, check, and major credit cards. We will be more than happy to submit your insurance forms for you, and we accept many insurance providers. Please call our office to verify whether your specific insurance plan is accepted. Payment plans and schedules can be discussed upon request.


If you are unable to keep an appointment, we ask that you kindly provide us with at least 24 hours notice. We ask for this advance notice so that we can offer this appointment to another patient.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for choosing our practice for your chiropractic care!

Our Location

Map Marker
116 W. Washington St, 2D, Charles Town, WV, 25414, USA
Leaflet | Map data provided by Internet Brands

Office Hours

Office hours are by appointment with appointments available weekdays, some evenings, and most Saturday mornings. Emergency appointments accepted.